L9 Detailing Maintenance Programs

I would like to take this time to introduce my customer too L9 Detailing Maintenance Program. I'm always checking and educating myself for the greatest and the most optimal way to produce the best-detailing outcome for my customers.
What is Maintenance Detailing:
A maintenance detail is done after I have completed a complete detailing on your vehicle. My self and the customer will sit down and discuss items like, How often do you drive your vehicle. Do you have small children or do you work out of your vehicle? Based on our conversation we will come up with the best maintenance program that will keep your vehicle in the best-maintained condition possible. I will then set up a maintenance schedule that will fit not only your schedule but your pocket as well.
What is a Maintenance Schedule:
A maintenance schedule is when I come out on a weekly or monthly basis and complete a maintenance detail on your vehicle based on the items and level of detail we had in our conversation.
What is the benefit of a maintenance detailing:
There are many benefits to get your vehicle detailed on a scheduled basis.
1. Protection - There are many environmental elements that can affect the condition of the vehicle over time such as UV Radiation from the sun. UV can cause discoloration, fading and cracking of not only the exterior paint but also the interior of your vehicle.
2. Road Grime and Contaminants - There are some really corrosive and bad things that we drive our vehicles through each and every day that sticks to your paint and even the inside of our cars. Over time these items start to break down the protections that were built into our vehicles. These Items can play havoc with our clear coats and metal causing rust and other damages.
3. Easier to Clean - Many times I complete a detail some of my customers will tend to not call me back until they are faced with that dirty and nasty car again. Well, this is not a good thing for me or my customer. I look to keep my customer's vehicles in a like new or as close to new condition as possible. Just think of this, our vehicles can get temperatures up to a couple of hundred degrees that will tend to bake in dirt, stains and grime, making it harder to remove these contaminante. This will translate in a higher cost detail. I don't consider my prices to be the most expensive in the area but why not save money as well as my elbows. A complete detail on a mid-size car will range $135.00 - 150.00 depending on the condition of the vehicle. Depending on the level of the maintenance detailing your looking for can save you lots. Example: $150.00 initial detail with a monthly maintenance program you will pay $65.00 each month after. I'm trying to build a company that is based on trust and good service that has clients, not just a customers.
Come and visit my website and see how L9 Detailing is different from the rest.